MAIT's tipping for the Premier League has been going very well in the last couple of years, which is something I'm quite proud of, given that draws are a serious factor in soccer/football, especially in the English Premier League. In order to test just how good the predictions are, this year I entered MAIT into the international TopTipper competition.
Now, these tips all have to be placed on the TopTipper site in advance, so they're independently assessed. I'm delighted to announce that MAIT finished in equal first place, drawing level with the leader on just the second last week of the season. This is a very big deal for MAIT, given the size of the competition, and it's good to have an idea of it's predictive power compared to the other (human) competitors.
In topping the TopTipper competition, MAIT returned an overall season accuracy of 202 correct tips from 380 games (53.2%). Note that any draws that weren't specifically predicted are counted as incorrect. In one final piece of analysis, the graph below represents the "percentile" showing how many competitors on TopTipper that MAIT was ahead of each week. I always get a kick out of graphs like this that illustrate how the system has continued to learn and improve throughout the course of the season.